
Mr Jean-Pierre Poly
President of the Administration Board
Mr Philippe Normand
President of the Scientific Committee
To realise its missions, the Foundation Pierre Vérots is governed by an Administration Board that guarantees its maintenance of official purposes and managing the means at its disposal, including its human ressources, made up of 3 full time employees.
It also did set up a multidisciplinary Scientific Committee which competences (volunteers) are exercised within the Foundation (definition of objectives and oversight of projects) and outside it (partnership with University and CNRS research laboratories, VetAgro Sup, la Société Linnéenne de Lyon, OFB, etc.).
Administration Board
The Foundation Pierre Vérots is headed by an Administration Board comprising ten unpaid members at most, of which four are ex-officio:
Two members of the family are also lifelong members of the Board.
Finally, the Board can name four members at most who have an interest in the Dombes and to the management of the Foundation.
The Administration Board meets at least twice a year or upon request of its President.
Scientific Committee
The Administration Board has also set up Scientific Committee to assist it in scientific fields related to the objects of the Foundation.
The Scientific Committee comprises at most fifteen unpaid members named, among which a President, and an ex-officio member, the President of the Administration Board. It is composed of personalities recognised in their respective fields.
The Scientific Committee meets twice yearly or upon demand of the President of the Administration Board.
Financial ressources
The Foundation Pierre Vérots is financed through de rental incomes from real estates located in Lyon and comprising several buildings that are part of the initial bequeath of Mr Vérots.
In the framework of some projects (scientific, amenities, water quality, etc.) it can also call on other instances to help financially support.
Foundation Pierre Vérots being recognised as a public utility, it is granted the privilege to receive donations with fiscal deductions that are specially attached.

Research team working in the laboratory room

Scientist studying Chiropteras
Material means
The Foundation has the tools necessary for the maintenance, management of its domain (tractor, farming tools, vehicule, boat, binoculars, GPS, photo traps, etc.) used by its personnel. It also acquired a weather station that permits to obtain and record : pluviometry, temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed / direction and solar radiation.
To permit scientific teams to work under the best possible conditions, it also acquired a wet laboratory with benches and various instruments (camera, binoculars, freezer, etc).
Finally, the Foundation Pierre Vérots has realised important renovation work on its buildings in 2020 in order to house punctually teams (scientists, students, trainees) with an independant studio, with 3 rooms with a capacity of 2 persons each and a common room and a kitchen.