Funding of research
Since 2019, the Foundation has supported financially scientific research. It fund wholly or partially theses contracts, Master 2 contracts or post-doctoral work.
The research themes proposed need to be in relation with the statutory scientific objectives of the Foundation, namely the scientific study of natural environments, in particular humid zones (preferentially in relation with the Dombes or comparable places) and the animal, plant and microbial species that inhabit them.
In this framework, the call is open to any innovative subject and all universities and scientific organisms are eligible. A particular but non exclusive attention will be borne to subject related to:

The beneficiaries of fundings, of which part of their field experiments will take place on the Praillebard Domain, will be entitled to use freely upon demand the available facilities (lodging : room and kitchen, field laboratory) on the site of the Foundation (Praillebard, 010390 Saint-Jean-de-Thurigneux).
If more informations is necessary of if you want to submit a project, please send your demands to the President of the Scientific committee of the Fondation Pierre Vérots at:
Your project will be examined confidentially by the Scientific committee of the Fondation before validation by the Administration Board.